THE TALK by James Sweet & Maria Hamady, Directed by Tony Phruishun Spires, featuring Dushawn Moses & Pierre Conley
THE SET UP by EP McKnight, Directed by Tony Phruishun Spires, featuring Hailey Graves & Gregg Christie
BROTHERS BEFORE OTHERS by Bryan Loyola, Directed by Valentine Curiel, featuring Bryan Loyola & Terrace Tillman
DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER by Alex Wiesel, Directed by Jeff Miller, featuring Marissa Brown & Stacey Moseley
HEART TO HEART by Mary Paterson, Directed by Robert Reeves, featuring Jasmine Ibrahem & Mark Young
TWO CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF LUNCH by Ron Clary, Directed by Robert Reeves, featuring Jim Follett & Max Diaz
BROTHERS DIVIDED by Jose Anguiano, Directed by Valentine Curiel, featuring Nathaniel Culpepper & Edison Lobos
IT’S ALL A GAMBLE by Jean O’Sullivan, Directed by Jeff Miller, featuring Alexander Karavay & Ambar Kaiser
CHANGES by Valentine Curiel, Directed by Noel Britton, featuring Jordan Rosas & Leah Glouberman
LEAVING THE FAMILY REUNION by Karina Jimenez, Directed by Noel Britton, featuring Breana Connor & Fatima Said
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